
Accessories display

Display props created specially to highlight jewelry’s and fashion accessorie inside a museum show case. Some of these items are part of a collection. Soft and stylish materials used to highlight important items inside glass tables and glass towers.

Price:80.00 euro
Availability:On order

Price:0.00 euro
Availability:On order

Revolving platforms

Revolving platforms that alows a 360dgr rotation of the art pieces inisde a museum or art gallery.

Promote and information

Elements for promoting and informing visitors in a museum or art gallery.

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Rail hanging systems

Rail display systems for art galleries, museums and office spaces. The rails allow a flexible display of the paintings and an easy in handling on vertical an horizontal pozitions.

Museum labels

Museum display labeling and information system (different solutions and dimensions). It helps to easily identify the exhibit, but also offers flexibility in changing the label of a product quickly and easily. We can help you with the design part of the labels, to make the text legible and easy to follow.

Price:0.00 euro
Availability:On order